Hairdresser transforms depressed teen's matted hair and she looks unrecognizable

This hairdresser helped a teenager who had to go to school. She was so profoundly depressed for months that she didn't brush her for a very long time.

From a small town in Iowa, comes this heart-warming story of how a hairdresser and her love and patience helped bring a smile to a depressed teen’s face.

Depression is a serious mental health issue and something that most people still don’t know how to react to. It is very difficult to help anyone you know, who is battling depression.

The 16-year-old was suffering from depression for the longest of times, and over the course of the summer, it had become so severe, that she didn’t even get up from her bed, except to visit the washroom.

The feeling of worthlessness had spread so deep into her that she couldn’t even brush her hair. It resulted in her hair being matted up in a huge clump. Read similar stories on our Twitter account @amomama_usa

Kayley Olsson, the hairdresser, shared this heartbreaking story on her Facebook page, along with an image of the teen’s hair, when she had come for the haircut.

The teenager had assumed that there was no saving her hair, and asked Olsson to just “cut it all off.” But Olsson couldn’t bear to shave off her head.

She then asked the girl if she could sit for some time while she worked on her hair. Upon her agreement, Olsson then set on a thirteen-hour-long quest over the course of 2 days to un-matte her hair, clean it and then curl it to look neat and tidy.

It was done just in time for the teenager to go for her school picture. The before and after pics from her page are proof of the amount of hard work that went into this effort.

The teenager was sincerely happy with the fact that someone took the time and effort to help her. As she left, she told her that she would be smiling for her school picture that day.

“You made me feel like me again” were her exact words, and for Olsson, that was rewarding enough for her work.
